Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas post

Happy holidays! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Haven't really done much with the sketchbook action, but here was a quick thing that I did. It's not exactly a sketchbook piece, but it's in the same vein as the birthday card stuff. It's a quick Christmas card I did in Illustrator for my three nephews. I know it's not hand-drawn, but I wanted it to have that construction paper cutout feel when I worked on it in the computer. I definitely had the most fun working on their scarves and "teeth."

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Birthday Card Series 1

I started sending out birthday cards this year. Here's a recent one. It's filled with "happy birthday" in different languages, but in trying to fill up the page and fitting the words against the "happy birthday old lady" lettering, I didn't even bother trying to make them legible. The letters from happy to birthday to old lady gets thinner and thinner by a happy accident. I should have just lied and said I did this on purpose. Also, my apologies to the person I sent this to; the card wasn't this long so I had to distort the image when I printed it!! I'm sorry!

The box office is drooling & the barstools are on fire

Here's another yet another Tom Waits fixation of mine. I wanted to make the smoke coming out of his cigarettes into words, but it just ends up looking like a really bad psychedelic poster knockoff. Which would be okay if Waits was part of that San Francisco scene from a decade before. I believe I drew the image from a photo of him from around '74, when he was still steeped in his lounge lizard beatnik persona (my favorite era of Tom's...he made much more interesting music later on but the songs from this era are the closest to my heart). The words are from his song "The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me)".