Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Done at various train rides as I listened to music. If you can read it, you can tell which bands I was heavilly into during that time.

Happy 20th

More signs

Why would I put a fish in my pocket?

From a series of hand lettered posters a while back.Don't bother askin about what it means. Too long to explain.

Monday, May 5, 2008

smug ones love cake

Birthday card for one of my friends. It's an inside joke.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Also, a tin teardrop!!

I'd been listening to Captain Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica a lot, especially this one really nutty song called 'Pena.' I wanted to transcribe the whole song into a few pages, but after three I lost interest because they weren't turning out the way I had imagined.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Birthday Card Series part 2

Megaphone Blast

Here's a quick sketch I did the other day while taking a break from getting my portfolio together.

Monday, January 21, 2008


This one was one of the harder assignments from my Typography class last spring. The teacher brought 4 different manila envelopes for picking. Each envelope contained 2 random, seemingly unconnected items. When it got time to picking our envelopes, what I got was a fuse and a small sawblade. The assignment was as follows: make something and bring it the following week.As easy as that sounds, it wasnt. It was a little hard to think outside the box at first. I scanned both items into the computer and literally tried to make "things" out of them. All I could think of was making the blade an arm of some sort and the fuse as its joint. I spent a long time just trying making shapes but it felt like all I was doing was making tinkertoys. Finally, I came up with two spiralling patterns: one circular spiral and another triangular. During critique I mentioned that I liked the circular one, but everyone agreed that the triangular one was more dynamic and therefore more successful.